A series of different magnified STM topographic images of the par

A series of different magnified STM topographic images of the parallel-aligned and periodic 9-NWs: (a) 250 × 250 nm2 (V b = +2.5 V, I t = 80 pA), (b) 125 × 125 nm2, and (c) 25 × 25 nm2 (V b = +2.0 V, I t = 60 pA). Two zigzag lines and two parallel dashed lines are sketched at both sides and the middle of a 9-NW in (a) and (c) to indicate

the formation of two zigzag chains and one linear row C646 research buy in a 9-NW. (d) Cross-sectional profile of A2 across parallel-aligned 9-NWs along the white lines indicated in (b). (e) Cross-sectional profile of B1 across the substrate along the white lines indicated in (a). The inset of (a) displays the zoom-in STM image of the substrate. The inset of (c) shows the filled-state image of the 9-NW at V b = -1.5 V, I t = 20 pA. As seen in the inset of Fer-1 Figure 5a, the morphology of the substrate (the see more dark chain/row bundle marked by the dashed box at the left) is the same as that of the 9-NW (the bright chain/row bundle marked by the dashed box at the right). The topography profile of the substrate (Figure 5e) shows two nonequivalent zigzag chains with widths/heights of 1.4 ± 0.1/0.09 ± 0.005 nm (left) and 2.4 ± 0.1/0.16 ± 0.02 nm (right) at both sides and one linear row with a widths/heights of 1.8 ± 0.1/0.10 ± 0.01 nm in between.

The widths of two chains and one row on the substrate are nearly equal to those of their counterparts in 9-NWs, respectively, but the heights of these two chains and one row on the substrate in Figure 5e are about half the heights of their counterparts in 9-NWs in Figure 5d. This result strongly indicates that the substrate can be regarded as a large-area parallel array consisting of 9-NWs with Pyruvate dehydrogenase one-layer height (160 ± 20 pm). That is, the 9-NWs of two-layer height (340 ± 20 pm) exhibit a layer-by-layer growth mode. Multilayer NW growth is usually observed in the growth of other rare-earth silicide NWs [36]. Growth mechanism As clearly shown in Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5, Ce atoms preferentially adsorb on the long-range grating-like

upper Si terraces of the Si(110)-16 × 2 surface to form well-ordered parallel arrays of 3-NWs at the first growth stage with 3-ML Ce deposition and then react concurrently with both periodic upper and lower terraces to produce mesoscopically ordered parallel arrays of 6-NWs at the second growth stage with 6-ML Ce deposition. When the Ce coverage is further increased to 9 ML, the growth of parallel-aligned 9-NWs follows the framework of the parallel array of the 6-NWs and exhibits a layer-by-layer growth mode to form multiple-layer NWs. Figure 6 presents the changes in the widths, heights, and pitches of various CeSi x NWs formed at different Ce coverages. Due to the Si pentagon pairs with extra dangling bonds on the upper terraces of the 16 × 2 reconstruction, there is a considerable surface stress on the upper terraces to yield an electronically stable configuration.

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