For estimating POM, as in the case of SPM, the value of bbp(443) also seems to be the most appropriate from the statistical point of view. The following statistical formula is suggested (see Table 1 and Figure 3b): equation(2) POM=37.6(bbp(443))0.774.POM=37.6bbp4430.774. The standard error factor X in this case is 1.48, which is not much higher than in the case of the SPM formula given by equation (1). Please note at this point, that for the southern Baltic Sea samples taken into consideration in this work, the variation in the ratio between
POM and SPM concentrations was rather limited. As reported by the author earlier (see S.B. Woźniak et al. (2011)), the average value of POM/SPM for southern Baltic samples was about 0.8 and the appropriate coefficient of variation (CV, defined as the ratio selleckchem of the standard deviation to the average value and expressed as a percentage) of that ratio was only about 22%. This means that in most cases the composition of suspended matter encountered in the southern Baltic is dominated by organic
matter. This fact may explain and justify the existence of similarly strong statistical relationships between SPM and bbp, and between POM and bbp. With regard to the estimation of POC concentrations, it turns out that the statistical results are slightly better when coefficients an rather than bbpare used. The following formula for the BTK inhibitor in vivo blue light wavelength of 443 nm (see Table 1 Galeterone and Figure 3c) gave the best statistical results: equation(3) POC=0.766(an(443))0.971.POC=0.766an4430.971. However, the standard error factor X in this case is 1.59, a distinctly higher value than in the case
of formulas (1) and (2). Thus it is expected that the quality of the estimates of POC concentrations with formula (3) would in most cases be inferior to that for SPM or POM. Finally, for estimating Chl a the best statistical results are obtained for the following formula based on coefficient an at the green light wavelength of 555 nm (see Table 1 and Figure 3d): equation(4) Chla=50.7an5550.975. This formula has a standard error factor X of 1.54 (note that this time the other formula based on coefficient an at the blue band of 443 nm has a higher standard error factor of 1.59). All four simplified empirical formulas presented above ((1), (2), (3) and (4)) are put forward as the best candidates from among the 16 different statistical formulas listed in Table 1. Obviously, these four formulas offer a potential accuracy that is rather limited and far from perfect – the corresponding standard error factors X lie between 1.43 and 1.59 – so everyone interested in the potential application of these formulas has to be aware of this.