In the literature, it has been reported that adaptive responses to hypoxia are regulated by several transcription factors, including HIF 1, HIF 2, ETS 1, cAMP response element binding protein, activator pro tein 1 and nuclear factor B. Hence, we exam ined various possible transcription factors and found that the active form of NFB1, NFBp50, is translocated into the nucleus of the human monocytes as a reaction towards a pO2 of 2%. In good agreement with this observation, Battaglia et al. have previously shown DNA binding of NFBp50 under hypoxia in primary human monocytes Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries by means of a supershift analysis. Furthermore, Oliver et al. have described the selective activation of the canonical NFB pathway via p65 by intermittent and sustained hypoxia in HeLa cells.
The non canonical NFB pathway via p52 is not impacted by hypoxia. Our results Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries are consistent with these findings as we show, to our knowledge for the first time in primary monocytes, that p50 is part of the canonical pathway induced by sustained hypoxia. We therefore suggest that NFB1 serves as a key reg Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ulator enabling the immediate adaptation of monocytes to hypoxia during migration from blood into the tissue environment. We suggest that, during the differentiation process of human monocytes into macrophages, the more potent and possibly more robust HIF 1 system is activated. The HIF 1 system may be needed for the rapid adaptation to varying oxygen concentrations, which is of essential functional importance for long liv ing tissue macrophages.
Indeed, we demonstrate here that the stimulation of the monocytes with PMA and the more physiological induction of monocyte differentiation by means of M CSF cause the translocation of HIF 1a into the nucleus of long living tissue macrophages. The presence of HIF 1a in the nucleus of macrophages or hMDMs under hypoxia has already been verified by other groups. HIF 1a was also detectable Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in the nucleus of different myeloid cell lines under hypoxic con ditions. Although often used as experimental models of monocytes, these cell line cells are highly proliferative and malignant cells with numerous differences from macrophages, hMDMs, and monocytes. With regard to the HIF 1 pathways, these cell lines behave like macro phages or hMDMs, but not like monocytes. This should be considered when using these cell lines as models to analyze the bioenergetic functions of monocytes and or macrophages in inflammatory Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries arthritis. Our observation that both PMA stimulation and M CSF induced differentiation of monocytes into macro phages causes the translocation of HIF 1a into the nucleus prompted a search for potential regulators. Since PKC a b1 is strongly activated selleck inhibitor by PMA stimula tion, we hypothesized that this protein kinase enzyme could play a key role.