It is assumed that the virion host shutoff protein causes cellular shutoff. The vhs protein is an RNAse located in the viral tegument, which degrades host and viral RNA just after infection VE-822? for HSV 1. Unlike HSV 1, it has been suggested that for cellular shutoff, PrV requires a fresh round of viral protein Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries synthesis explaining the observed delayed shutoff. In our experiment, UL41 transcripts appear to be differentially expressed only at 8 h pi suggesting that the vhs activity can be attributed to the newly synthesized proteins and not to the vhs proteins present in the virion tegument at the moment of infection and that the vhs protein should be active at low level. The activity of HSV 1 vhs is modulated by the UL48 product, which can bind to vhs to allow viral mRNA accu mulation.
However, our study does not show any dif ferential expression of the UL48 transcript. PrV infection and immune evasion strategies To evade host response PrV develops several strategies that probably disturb different biological pathways including the MHC class I presentation pathway. We observed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries a decrease of SLA Ia and TAP2 transcript levels in PK15 cells infected with the PrV NIA3 strain as previously reported in infected PK15 and bovine kidney cells respectively. A down regulation of TAP1 and TAP2 genes encoding immunoproteasome catalytic subunits, PSMB8 and PSMB9, involved in the MHC class I antigenic presentation pathway was also detected in our experi ment. Moreover, we checked that at 8 h pi the PK15 cells expressed 50% less MHC class I proteins than mock infected cells in our culture conditions.
These results con firm previous reports describing the reduced capacity of Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries infected cells to present viral Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries peptides to CTL. The viral gene UL49. 5, encoding the gN protein, is one of the earliest differentially expressed genes in our study. This viral protein has been shown to inhibit TAP activity and induce degradation of TAP molecules by the proteasome. Our results strongly suggest a very early production of gN protein and agree with the detec tion of TAP inhibition from 2 h pi. This TAP inhibition has been shown to be independent of vhs activity and we demonstrate here that UL41 encoding vhs is differen tially expressed later than UL49. 5, indicating two succes sive steps i. e. TAP inhibition followed by cellular shutoff.
Since the level of several transcripts involved in the MHC class I presentation pathway decreased, it is possible that PrV has developed complementary strategies to evade this path way i. e. turning off the peptide pump with inhibition Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of TAP ruxolitinib structure activity and transcription alteration of key players. Other viruses, such as the human cytomegalovirus, down regulate the transcription of key players of the MHC class I antigen presentation pathway. Unexpectedly, some MHC class II genes were also regulated during PrV infec tion in PK15 cells.