More specifically,

for each experience an association bet

More specifically,

for each experience an association between that situation and the corresponding somatic states (ie, emotions) is made. The recurrence of a particular situation triggers the reactivation of emotion-influenced neural patterns, which biases selleck products decision-making toward choices that maximize reward and minimize punishment. Damasio and others propose that the orbitofrontal cortex, specifically the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), is central to decision-making. Patients with lesions to the vmPFC display deficits in learning from previous experiences, poor decision-making, flat affect, and impairments in their ability to react to emotional situations.83 This pattern of impairment led Damasio Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to hypothesize that the primary dysfunction of patients with vmPFC damage was an inability to use emotions to aid in decision-making (eg, in personal, monetary, and moral domains). To test this Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical hypothesis in an experimental context, Bechara developed the Iowa Gambling Task. This task consists of four decks of cards, each associated with varying levels of reward and punishment (two decks are low reward/low punishment [advantageous]; two decks are high reward/high punishment [disadvantageous]). Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In general, participants sample both the advantageous and disadvantageous decks equally, but after experiencing a number of high punishments,

they shift predominantly to advantageous decks. In contrast, subjects with vmPFC damage tend to continue choosing from the disadvantageous decks. Moreover, vmPFC lesion patients did not display anticipatory emotional responses (eg, skin conductance), indicating Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a deficit in anticipating the emotional impact of future rewards and punishments (see ref 84 for review). Finally, individuals with lesions to the amygdala also display impairments, similar to vmPFC patients, in performance on the

Iowa gambling task. However, unlike the vmPFC patients, those with amygdala lesions display impairments in registering the emotional Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical impact of rewards and punishments, rather than the anticipation of this feedback. Ultimately, emotional states are elicited during decision-making and are represented in the brain through both cortical (eg, insular cortex; vmPFC) and subcortical pathways (eg, mesolimbic dopamine system; amygdala). Taken together, this model provides a basis for understanding how basic motivational and emotional processes are related Entinostat to complex decision-making processes in a variety of contexts. Increasingly, the principles gleaned from observing decision-making deficits in patients with lesions are being applied to understanding a diverse range of pathologies in which deficits in decision-making are evident and where emotions can play a critical role. Individuals with NPD are characterized by a sense of entitlement (ie, self-serving bias), taking advantage of others for personal gain, and hypersensitivity to criticism/punishment.

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