Static magnetic properties of the top films of the nanobrush are shown in Figure 4. The (100)-textured sample shows the smallest coercivity and a good aspect ratio. For the FeNi film deposited on AAO templates, surface defects may destroy the soft magnetic properties. The magnetic moment distribution induced by the interface coupling effect conveys different characteristics, which may result in different performances of magnetoimpedance effect learn more of the nanobrush. The insets of Figure 4 show the distribution of magnetic moments of the
top film in the nanobrush. The nanobrush combined with permalloy film and hcp Co nanowires is used during simulation. The thickness of the permalloy film and the diameter of Co nanowires are both 50 nm. An external field applied in the plane of the film is 50 Oe. The direction
of magnetic moments is denoted by the arrows. As shown in the inset, the magnetic moments of a single film lie in the plane. When an external field was applied, the magnetic moments turn to the field direction. Transverse moments can hardly be found. However, for the films of the nanobrush, a strong exchange coupling effect takes place at the interface of the nanofilm and nanowire array, leading to a vortex distribution of magnetic moment, and lot moments turn to be perpendicular to the applied field. Thus, the MI effect may be intensified due to the transverse component magnetic moments. For the (100) texture, magnetic moments distribute perpendicular to the long axis of nanowires. At the interface, planar vortex distribution of film moments is induced by the exchange coupling effect. Most transverse Janus kinase (JAK) magnetic moments will enhance the transverse permeability when an external field is applied. By contrast, the magnetic moments in (002) texture nanowires are along the long axis, and the induced vortex distributions
will be perpendicular to the film plane. Although many transverse moments have been observed, the perpendicular moments may block the increase of transverse moments and reduce the transverse permeability. Figure 4 Static magnetic properties of nanobrushes with different Compound C textures. Micromagnetic simulations of the top surface magnetic properties of the nanobrush are shown in the inset. Figure 5 shows the MI ratio under different applied fields of the nanobrush in combination with the FeNi film and 20-nm (100)-textured cobalt nanowires at different frequencies (f = 10, 30, 70, and 100 MHz). As the inset shows, the applied field is along the direction of the ac current, which is parallel to the FeNi film. On the one hand, with the externally applied magnetic field increasing, the MI ratio increases sharply and an obvious change of the MI ratio takes place in small fields. The MI curves can be explained by the magnetization rotation model [29], in which the transverse magnetic permeability plays an important role.