There will also be an attempt to have as diverse a representation from all provinces, EMS system types and professional types (e.g., paramedics, physicians, managers, researchers, etc.)
as possible. The sub-sample of invited participants will be sent an email which explains the qualitative study and includes a letter of information and invitation to participate. The lead investigator of the qualitative Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical study (KD) will obtain verbal consent and conduct the check details Interviews with those who volunteer. The purposeful sampling technique will be complemented with snowball sampling by asking interviewees to identify individuals who they feel should be added to the sample. An interview guide will be developed, based on the information from the literature and the areas of interest for the study. All interviews will be conducted
by telephone for consistency, and the interviewer will use the study guide along with additional probing questions to facilitate the interviews. Interviews will be audio recorded Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for verbatim transcription and analysis and the interviewer will take supplemental field notes during the conversation. Data collection will be considered Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical complete once saturation is reached; that is, when little new information is expected to be learned from further interviews [8]. Data Analysis Two investigators (KD and BB) will conduct the qualitative data analysis
using a constant comparative method [9]. Analysis will begin with both investigators reading through transcripts as they are completed, in order to gain an understanding of the issues discussed and to develop a preliminary categorization Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical scheme. Categories will be added to the scheme as new transcripts are reviewed. Each transcript will then be read a second time, and participant statements will be coded according to the categories using NVivo qualitative analysis software (QSR, Doncaster Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Victoria Australia). The two investigators will compare their independent analyses for the first four transcripts, and will discuss differences in coding and if new categories should be added. After all transcripts are coded, the two investigators will review the coding scheme to identify key emergent themes and begin Sodium butyrate to interpret how the data relates to these key issues and the Research Agenda objectives. The investigators will also note if any relationships exist between participant location, position or involvement in research and the key themes identified. A summary of the results of the analysis will be shared with all interviewees to engage them in any clarifications required to ensure the summary document accurately includes their input to the study [10]. The final summary document will then be presented to the study team as a guide for the organization of the roundtable discussion.