Youth 3 also utilized
his assertiveness skills outside of the group. Instead of responding passively when a friend returned a broken video game to him, he confronted his friend about the game in an appropriate manner, which did not result in conflict. Youth 3’s sad mood was problematic in that he would present as moderately withdrawn if group occurred when he felt negatively. In addition, Youth 3 and Youth 2 were often in conflict, and Youth 3 had little tolerance for Youth 2’s comments (perceived as insensitive) and frequent interruptions. Youth 3 would withdraw from group and choose not to participate in activities. The group leaders used this as an opportunity to model communication skills and to appropriately communicate the expression of BGB324 mw emotion and boundaries to a peer. Youth 3 rated the overall quality of the group as “good” and noted that he learned “new ways to deal with things.” At posttreatment, Youth 3 no longer met criteria for SAD or GAD and no longer had subclinical diagnoses of MDD or SEP. Youth 3 reported that he was still teased about once a week, but he was better equipped to deal with the bullying. He reported that being teased “messed up [his] mood,” but only for a short period of time as he was now able to “let it go” more easily. Youth 3 also reported a decrease in overall negative impact of bullying and noted an increase
in his perceived ability to handle bullying. Youth Bortezomib 4 was a 12-year-old, Caucasian seventh-grade boy who was an only child and lived with his adoptive father. His mother had passed away when the youth
was 11 years old. Both parents had graduated from college, and his father currently held a professional job, earning between $50,000 and $60,000 annually. Youth 4 had an individualized education plan to help manage a previous diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). At intake, Youth 4 did not meet criteria for any anxiety or mood disorder, though his father reported that the youth was previously in treatment for problems related to anxiety and depression and had received in-home therapy following the loss of his mother. Youth 4 reported being bullied Adenosine triphosphate on several occasions during the present school year in connection to his ADHD classification and death of his mother. A small group of kids would say that his mother died because she was “weak” and “an idiot,” and they would call him mean names for receiving special services in school. Youth 4 also reported that students had spread rumors about his sexuality and that he had been physically bullied on the playground (i.e., hit in the eye). While Youth 4 reported that he was able to handle bullying, he did admit that he wished it wasn’t happening. Youth 4 was one of the most outspoken group members, and was always happy to volunteer for role plays.