Even though these 3 bacteriophages had been isolated in numerous geographic spots inside the pure array of catfish above twenty many years apart, they may be remarkably much like one another at a genomic level. This genomic evaluation suggests that these phages are members of the lineage that’s really stable above time and geographic areas. The knowledge obtained from your analyses of those bacteriophage genomes will facilitate their diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Solutions Bacteriophages and bacterial strains Phages jeiAU and jeiDWF utilized in the study have been ori ginally isolated and characterized at Auburn University. Phage jMSLS was isolated from an aquaculture pond water sample on a lawn of E. ictaluri strain I49, and clear plaques were doubly purified on an E. ictaluri host.
Host bacterial isolate E. ictaluri strain 219 following website was obtained from the Southeastern Cooperative Fish Condition Laboratory at Auburn University. E. ictaluri strains have been grown on Brain Heart Infusion medium and cryopreserved in BHI containing 10% glycerol at 80 C. In every single experi ment bacterial strains were grown from the authentic glycerol stock to retain minimal passage number, virulent E. ictaluri cultures. Isolation of phage DNA Phages eiAU, eiDWF, and eiMSLS were propagated on E. ictaluri strain 219 utilizing a standard soft agar overlay approach. Phages had been harvested by flooding plates with 5 mL SM buffer, and 0. 002% of 2% Gelatin incubating at thirty C though shaking for six h, then collecting the buffer phage alternative.
Collected phage suspensions have been handled for ten min with 1% chloroform to lyse bacterial cells, subjected to centrifugation at 3,600 g for 25 min, then filtered by way of a BAPTA-AM msds 0. 22 um filter to clear away cell debris. Phage remedies have been purified in excess of a cesium chloride gradient and concentrated by precipitation with polyethylene glycol 8000. Concentrated phage particles were resuspended in 200 ul SM buffer. Absolutely free nucleic acids from lysed bacterial host cells had been degraded with 250 units of benzonase endonuclease for 2 h at 37 C, after which the benzonase was inhibited through the addition of 10 mM EDTA. The phage protein coats were degraded applying proteinase K and SDS. A phenol chloroform extraction was performed, and DNA was precipitated with ethanol. The washed DNA pellet was resuspended in T10 E1 buffer, 1 mM EDTA and stored at twenty C.
Shotgun library development and sequencing Shotgun subclone libraries have been constructed at Lucigen Corporation as previously described. Briefly, phage genomic DNA was randomly sheared using a Hydroshear instrument and DNA fragments from one to 3 kb in dimension have been extracted from an agarose gel. Phage DNA fragments had been blunt finish repaired, ligated to asymmetric adapters, amplified utilizing a evidence reading polymerase and ligated to the pSMART GC cloning vector following producer recommenda tions. The ligation was transfected into electrocompe tent E. coli cells. E. coli transformants have been robotically picked into Luria Bertani broth containing 30 ug per ml kanamycin and 10% glycerol in a 96 effectively format utilizing a QPix2 colony choosing technique. Colony PCR was performed on the representative amount of clones to assess insert size as well as the percentage of subclones containing an insert. Plasmid DNA was isolated making use of typical alkaline SDS lysis and ethanol precipitation. Alternately, the insert was amplified through the E. coli clone glycerol stock utilizing a pSMART vector certain primer set, with thirty cycles of amplification.